A natural organic mattress from Natural Sleep is “just right”
Everyone knows the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but did you know that Goldilocks wasn’t even in the original fairytale about the Three Bears? It’s true! The original story, written by Robert Southey (August 12, 1774 – March 21, 1843) and published in 1837 featured an old woman and three bachelor bears.
The old woman’s behavior was even worse than Goldilocks, but the plot wrapped up in pretty much the same way. The old woman comes across the cottage of three bachelor bears. After trying out the trio of chairs in the cottage and sampling the bachelor bears’ three bowls of porridge. The old woman then tries out their three beds – one is too hard, one is too soft and one is just right for a nice nap. When the three bears came home and discover her sleeping, she wakes up and promptly jumps out the window and runs away. (If she’d been sleeping on a Hastens Vividus mattress from Natural Sleep Mattress or maybe something from the Pure Latex Bliss line, she might have wanted to stick around a little longer and maybe ask the bears where they got their exquisite mattress!)
Sounds like the Goldilocks tale we all grew up with, right? There are definitely lots of similarities but, apparently the original version was a darker tale than the one we are familiar with. Not necessarily what you might call suitable bedtime reading for children.
At some point in the story’s evolution, however, the less intimidating figure of Goldilocks replaces the old woman. And, in an even later version, Momma, Papa and Baby Bear replace the three bachelor bears. And with that change, the tale completed its transformation into the charming fairytale with broad family appeal that we all know.
When you’re looking for a bed that’s “just right,” we hope you will stop by one of our two convenient locations and try out the best mattresses in Atlanta!
- Our Buckhead locations is found across the street from Bones Restaurant at 3129 Piedmont Rd. NE.
- In Alpharetta, you will find us just east of the Ferrari dealership at 501 S. Main St.
Natural Sleep Mattress is your headquarters for Hastens in Georgia! (We compared Hastens vs Duxiana and found Hastens to offer superior quality, comfort and craftshmanship.) We offer the Hastens Auroria, Hastens Luxuria and Hastens Vividus mattresses as well as a full line of high-quality natural mattresses for every fit, feel and budget, including:
- Austin Air
- SleepTek
- Royalpedic
- Pure Talalay Bliss
- OrganicPedic
- Naturepedic
- Natura Organics
- Leggett & Platt
- Dunlopillo and
- Coyuchi
Why do we carry natural mattresses? There are a number of reasons! Here are just a few:
- The chemicals found in many mass-produced mattresses, including diisocyanates such as MDI and TDI, may be harmful to your respiratory health, may irritate your skin and may even be carcinogenic.The mattresses we carry are free of chemical flame retardants, free of chemical adhesives, and made with only the highest-quality natural materials to support the health and happiness of you and your family.
- Mattresses made from natural materials are healthier, longer lasting and more comfortable.
- Natural latex, like the kind used in Pure Talalay Bliss, is a natural anti-microbial, hypoallergenic, and resistant to dust mites.
- One-sided mattresses are superior to two-sided mattresses.