Some brand name s say a lot about the products that carry the name. As we have discovered here at Natural Sleep Mattress of Atlanta, that is certainly the case when it comes to Posh+Lavish mattresses.
Exacting engineering to ensure proper support for your spine without sacrificing the kind of comfort that will allow your aching muscles to relax so you enjoy the kind of deep, restorative sleep your body craves is behind the extravagance of each and every Posh+Lavish mattress.
Because we take pride in offering the best mattresses in Atlanta, we have an extensive selection of these fabulously luxurious mattresses.
Latex Mattresses from Posh and Lavish
These all-latex mattresses feature a wool and cotton fire-retardant layer. All of the latex, fabric and cotton used to make these luxurious mattresses have been certified by OEKO-TEX®. And all of Posh+Lavish’s latex mattresses come with a 20-year warranty.
A medium-to-firm latex mattress that is “In A Class All Its Own”
Medium firmness is the hallmark of “Modern Luxury”with this latex mattress.
This plush mattress delivers an “Unforgettable Experience.”
This ultra-plush latex mattress offers comfort that is “Beyond Words.”
You will know what it’s like to “Indulge in Elegance” with this ultra-plush, pillow-top latex mattress.
Pocket Sprung Coil Mattresses from Posh and Lavish
With more than a thousand individual coils, pocket sprung mattresses from Posh+Lavish deliver both support and comfort and come with a 10-year warranty. All latex, fabric and cotton used in the construction of these luxurious mattresses is certified by OEKO-TEX®.
This medium-firm mattress delivers “Timeless” comfort.
This “Iconic” design offers a medium-plush sleep experience.
This ultra-plush pocket sprung mattress is “Alluring.”
“Immerse Yourself” in a wonderful night’s sleep with this plush, pillow-top mattress.
“Indulge in Elegance” with this ultra-plush, pillow-top pocket sprung mattress.
Here at Natural Sleep Mattress of Atlanta, your luxury mattress store, we love Posh+Lavish mattresses. If you’d like to find out why, contact us today.