Maintaining Innerspring Mattresses - Best Mattress in Atlanta

Maintaining Innerspring Mattresses

Sleep Junkies, who pursue a mission to educate, raise awareness and let people know that sleep is not, as Jim Butcher said, “a criminal waste of time“,  it’s a life-giving, life-changing activity, one that makes you fitter, stronger, smarter, happier and healthier, as you can imagine have paid a lot of attention to the best ways to get a good night’s sleep. When it…

Tips for Maintaining Your Latex Mattress - Pure Talalay Bliss

Tips for Maintaining Your Latex Mattress

The makers of the Pure Talalay Bliss latex mattress offer some tips that will help ensure that you will continue to enjoy sleeping on the best mattress in Atlanta for years to come.  Among their suggestions: Dress your new latex mattress with cotton or breathable sheets. Choose a pillow that supports your neck in all of your sleeping positions….

The History of Mattresses, Part 1

The History of Mattresses, Part 1

According to the Better Sleep Council, which is the consumer education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, the trade association for the mattress industry, our distant ancestors first realized there might be something more comfortable to sleep on than the bare hard ground. What they came up with wasn’t much better – it was just…

mental well- being by offering you good rest every night


When we purchase items for our homes, we usually don’t consider whether these items can affect our health and well- being. How would a choice of kitchen table or sofa or washing machine or carpet matter? Yet, with the rise of ‘conscious consumerism,’ we are learning that our purchases can affect our environment, other people…